PRE-KINDERGARTEN (Age 4 by Sept. 1st)
A magical year, our Pre-K class will prepare your child for the more advanced thought processes that are needed for life in kindergarten, as well as for the gifted and talented programs in our area public schools. Years of experience in fine motor development, letter recognition, writing skills and phonics come together in recognizable letter formation and newly found clarity of the written word. Confidence in conflict resolution results in creative solutions enhancing their growing physical and intellectual independence. A few field trips along with a spectacular Graduation ceremony (caps, gowns and the whole bit) are just a few of the special activities your child will participate in this year. Pre-Kindergarten Screenings and Assessments will be done twice a year (in January and in May). Results will be discussed in parent conferences (if so desired), which will help to determine your child’s strengths, and areas in which they are still developing including visual, auditory and cognitive skills. With our high powered fans and plenty of shade on each playground, rest assured that your child will be cool and comfortable while playing outdoors.